
Fujian Sanyi Door Industry Co., Ltd. Quality Credit Report

Fujian Sanyi Door Industry Co., Ltd. Quality Credit Report


Fujian Sanyi Door Industry Co., Ltd.

Fujian Sanyi Door Industry Co., Ltd.



Experts introduce common sense in the use of fire doors

A fire door is a door that, together with a frame, can meet the requirements of fire resistance stability, integrity and thermal insulation for a certain period of time. Among them, a fire door composed of door frames, doors and windows, fire-proof hinges, fire-proof locks and other fire-proof hardware accessories, with the hinge as the axis perpendicular to the ground, the axis can be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise in a single direction to open or close the door. Swing fire doors, including swing wood, steel, steel wood fire doors and fire doors of other materials. The swing type fire door is a fire door that is mainly installed and used in buildings in my country at present. At present, wood thermal insulation fire doors and steel fire doors in swing fire door products


What is the function of fire door filling material

Introduction: Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to the fire safety of the home, so all kinds of fire doors are also on the market. So do you know what the choice of fire door filling materials is? What is the function of fire door filling material? 1. The role of fire door filling materials Fire door filling materials play a major role in the fire resistance and heat insulation performance of fire doors, so fire door filling materials are key items for fire door engineering inspection and acceptance. The choice of fire doors should choose those companies that can produce inorganic non-combustible door core materials by themselves, so that the quality is guaranteed, because the quality of the main performance is effectively guaranteed. at a certain temperature


How to install steel wood armored door

The door is the first guard to protect the safety of the family in family life. Therefore, consumers are paying more and more attention to the problem of the door, and the armored door is one of the anti-theft door products, which can well surround a family. Safety, especially good quality armored doors, choose the right armored doors, and at the same time learn to install steel and wood armored doors correctly! With the rapid development of the economy and the improvement of people's living standards, people are more concerned about purchasing doors and decorating them. The awareness is gradually improved, especially in the after-sales service. It is also important for the subsequent installation of the steel-wood armored door from the manufacturer's fine packaging and transportation to the owner's side.


Which questions are most important when buying a security door?

Where is the safest place in the world? The answer for most people is home. The security of the home is absolutely inseparable from a solid security door. Nowadays, there are many brands of anti-theft doors on the market, and the quality is uneven. They all say that they are the best and the safest, but in fact, they are different. As long as you ask the following five questions when purchasing an anti-theft door, the sales staff must think that they have encountered an insider, so they obediently put away their tricks and recommend the safest Class A anti-theft door for you. What are the most important issues when buying a security door? Question 1: "Is this door galvanized sheet or cold rolled sheet?" Usually, for cost reasons, most manufacturers


The difference between the normally open fire door and the normally closed fire door

防火门的作用防火门是生命与财产的最后一道守护屏障,根据场所的人流量,选择常开式、常闭式防火门尤为重要,选择不当,因火灾事故造成经济损失,还会造成生命危险,不容忽视。那么,常开式与常闭式防火门有什么区别?北玛防火门小编阿明SEO在此分享: 区别在哪里要想了解二者的区别,首先要弄清楚常开防火门和常闭防火门是如何起到防火作用的。 常开防火门1、一般安装在人群多人流量大的地方,比如学校,大型商场,医院等地


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